Wednesday 4 March 2009

Thank you so much for all your responses here in the blog and also over in Ravelry!

There have been quite a few offers to help me knit some chairs for my degree show, which I totally appreciate! I mentioned in the pattern page in Ravelry that I might be able to supply the materials if you do this. However, I could unfortunately only take up about 3 offers due to financial restriction and lack of display space in the degree show.

If you are interested in knitting this chair but couldn't supply the materials, please send me sketches of your vision of your chair. You can use this as your template but it's not a must.

Here's some general information:
-Send in your sketches to my email ( by the latest next Tuesday (10th March 2009).
-The chair must be knitted and sent to me by the latest 20th April 2009.
-They might be displayed in my final presentation and degree show, where you will be credited.
-I'll be sending back the chairs after the degree show (mid-June)
-I'll try my best to supply the materials needed for your chair as you envisioned them, but I will have to do it in the most cost efficient way (you know how the economy is going right now...)
-As one of the themes for this project is "global", I would be favoring designs with local cultural/geographical feel. Of course a strong individual style would be great too. In short, I'm looking for designs that would have a strong impact on the audience.

This is my first time doing this sort of thing, so if there's anything I left out please feel free to let me know. I appreciate comments left here on the blog, however if you have any questions please leave your email address or pm me in Ravelry instead since I can't reply to comments left here.

Many people have told me that they'll be knitting this chair, thank you very much!! As you know, this pattern hasn't been test knitted, so if you found any errors or found that the way I did it wasn't the best way, please let me know. All feedbacks appreciated! I'm looking forward to what everyone is going to do with this project!

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